As a coach, trainer and consultant I support individuals, teams and organizations in navigating complex challenges and developing a culture of effective, conscious and joyful collaboration.
To that end, I bring in all my experience with change management, collaboration, organizational development, leadership, agile and lean, software development, product management, personal and organizational coaching, facilitation and Sociocracy 3.0.
I bring more than 20 years of experience as a coach, CTO, scrum master, product owner, project manager, technology consultant and software developer in startups, small-/medium-sized businesses and enterprises, and a passion for agile and lean software development that goes back to the late 1990s. See my public linkedIn profile for my CV.
I sometimes speak at conferences and community events.
I am co-founder and steward of Sociocracy 3.0 (S3), and I dedicate some of my time to developing and spreading knowledge about S3. See my dedicated page for details and lots of free resources.
I have a passion for learning and experimenting, and for challenging the status quo. I love getting together with people who look at the same thing but see something entirely different, and then facilitate the discovery of how to integrate these seemingly contradictory perspectives into something that works for everyone.
I enjoy researching and developing tools and models that help me make sense of a situation and navigate complexity. I remix and adapt ideas until I have something simple and elegant that works.
I like Karl Popper, Karl Marx, Eckart Tolle, Alejandro Jodorowski, the Swans and :zoviet-france:.
I live in Bavaria, with my wife, three kids, two cats and an increasing number of rabbits.
If you want to get in touch, simply email me at or text me at +491777213550.